Crafts From Plants Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinth is a floating aquatic plant species . Manufacture of handicraft from water hyacinth material is required a long process . This craft ranging from flower pots , garbage cans , tissue boxes , bags , hats , perlengakapan kitchen to furniture . Formation / plaiting finished artwork ( bags , wall hangings , purses , chairs , etc. ) . To further enhance the attractiveness of the buyer , the matting results ditambahakan lacquer paint . So it looks more shiny and attractive .
How to Make Crafts from water hyacinth plants :
Collection of Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinth living along the river . Collection of water hyacinth has become a challenge for the craftsmen in order to manufacture handbags and other accessories . Usually craftsmen can ask for help from the community on the banks of the river to collect water hyacinth and rewarded accordingly. Collection of water hyacinth is actually a noble job because it can clean up the river and prevent flooding which may come as a result of the counter- productive plant hyacinth .
Washing Water Hyacinth
After the water hyacinth collected in large numbers , then the next step is to wash it so clean and eliminate odor . How to wash hyacinth enough clean water and sprayed with feces knocked by slam-slam . Washing can be done at the site collection so as not to pollute the water hyacinth shuttles that will take him to the production of handbags .
Separation of Water Hyacinth From Stalk
After arriving at the location of craftsmen , water hyacinth began sorted out . Segregation between the leaves and stems is necessary to classify the material to be used as a purse or other craft makers . Separation can be done by cutting the fabric using strong scissors or a knife . Due to the severity of water hyacinth tenacity and hard to be broken with regular hand .
Drying Water Hyacinth
Once sorted out , then began dried water hyacinth . When it is dry season then drying it can run smoothly and fairly short time . This contrast when drying wet season runs very long and not mudah.Pada some small industries making craft of water hyacinth is also done by drying smoked or placed in the drying room . But this method still less effective and less preferred because of the quality of the water hyacinth will decrease compared with the natural drying process .
Weaving water hyacinth
Water hyacinth is usually in the form of dried leaves just until completely lost its water content . While the water hyacinth in the form of rods generally spun after the first dry , before it is used as a raw material for making bags , shoes , and other accessories . The weaving can be shaped or small loops woven medium .
making Patterns
Before cutting and forming webbing that has been made , the craftsman first need to create products that will be generated patterns , can make a pattern bag or shoes and other accessories . This pattern applied to the manufacture of newsprint or reasonably drawn if the later is used to establish a pattern of woven water hyacinth .
Of the pattern that has made the natural fiber sheets can be cut according to the pattern is . To wrap accessory shaped pattern can be directly viewed and applied in wicker being done . Once the product is established, then the next we can color or do the finishing . Some ways of doing the finishing on the craft of water hyacinth plants is by coloring products with oil paint or varnish . Bag or shoes from water hyacinth fibers that can be left in accordance produced or can be painted with various shades .