Crafts from Used Bottle, Bottle Decoration Table From Used

Crafts from Used Bottle, Bottle Decoration Table From Used
Crafts from other bottles that are easy to make table decorations from bottles. Its main ingredient is just bottles and yarn.

Kerajinan Tangan Dari Botol Bekas - Hiasan Meja, Crafts from Used Bottle, Bottle Decoration Table From Used

Crafts From Bottles Used - Table Decoration

Crafts From Bottles Used, How to Make:

  • Prepare several bottles of fruit. Can be similar or different types of bottles to be more varied.
  • Prepare a variegated yarn.
  • Knitting yarn wrapped around the bottle thoroughly until all surfaces sealed bottle.
  • One bottle can wear one color. Or a combination of colors.
  • Winding yarn will be stronger when using glue.
  • Please display some table decorations from bottles that are so on top of the table, or can be placed anywhere that looks attractive your eyes.

Posted : Unknown Hari: 14.17 Kategori: